Psychological and Wellbeing Assessments
There are many forms of psychological assessments from intelligence tests, neuropsychological assessments to aptitude tests and personality profiling (to name just a few). Our psychological assessments which are all conducted by a Chartered Counselling or Clinical psychologist normally focus on a persons mental health.
What tests are carried out during a Psychological Mental Health Assessment (PMHA)?
Depending on the reasons why an individual is requesting a PMHA, the clinical assessments used will vary from one person to the next. For example; individuals requesting an assessment before having cosmetic surgery will require a different assessment from those requesting an assessment to assist them in changing occupations or dealing with anxiety or depression caused by a challenging work place situation.
A range of diagnostic tools can be used including a Structured Clinical Interview for DSM-5 (SCID-5) which is a semi structured interview. The Structured Clinical Interview for DSM-5 (SCID-5) is a interview guide for making the major DSM-5 diagnoses (depression, anxiety disorders, mood disorders, personality disorders). It is administered by a clinician or trained mental health professional who is familiar with the DSM-5 classification and diagnostic criteria.
A psychological assessment also encompasses a review of a client's mental health background and history alongside their current psychological profile, uncovered in the assessment, gives the psychologist an up to date impression of the individual's current mental health. This information can then be used to provide an accurate care plan both quickly and confidentiality. Where possible the report will also outline a treatment/care plan with a realistic prognosis. Although this has been designed for those with mental health difficulties, it can be adapted to those that don't self-identify as mentally ill or as a patient.
What are the benefits of a psychological assessment?
The assessment is performed by a highly trained Chartered Psychologist who is a mental health expert. The assessment is objective, impartial and confidential.
Reports are typically around 800-1000 words in length.
Reports are for your own personal use to aid self-understanding, guide future psychotherapy or self-improvement.
Reports can be used as evidence of mental health problems and may be shared with employers, GPs, family members or in the case of students, University well-being teams if requested.
Wellbeing Assessments
Not everyone who requests to see a psychologist is necessarily suffering from mental illness. Rather like a medical health screen/check or a vehicle MOT, we provide a service whereby we assess for psychological and emotional health and wellbeing.
The process involves the completion of some mental health questionnaires/ psychological assessment tools. In addition to this you will take part in an in-depth psychological interview that takes 90 minutes.
You will then receive a summary report with some recommendations on how to improve your mental health and well-being. Follow-up consultations can be arranged at a later date to monitor implemented changes.
Who will benefit?
Anyone can benefit from this however, those particularly likely to overlook their mental health maybe:
Senior executives in corporate environment, from CEOs to line managers.
Medical professionals and other clinicians (a population sample evidence suggests are particularly likely to neglect their own well-being).
Whats the difference between a wellbeing assessment and a PMHA?
The wellbeing assessment is not necessarily to obtain a diagnosis as in the PMHA. It is primarily for the use of the individual. It does not involve using SCID but will involve a basic psychological screening tool.
The other difference is the length of report. The wellbeing report is usually around 400 words, whereas the PMHA is around 800-1000.
What are the benefits of a psychological wellbeing assessment?
The assessment is performed by a highly trained Chartered Psychologist who is a mental health expert. The assessment is objective, impartial and confidential.
Own personal use to aid self-understanding, guide future psychotherapy or self-improvement.
Reports can be used as evidence of mental health problems and may be shared with employers, GPs, family members or in the case of students, University well-being teams if requested.