Wellbeing Assessments
Not everyone who requests to see a psychologist is necessarily suffering from mental illness. Rather like a medical health screen/check or a vehicle MOT, we provide a service whereby we assess for psychological and emotional health and wellbeing.
The process involves the completion of some mental health questionnaires/ psychological assessment tools. In addition to this you will take part in an in-depth psychological interview that takes 90 minutes.
You will then receive a summary report with some recommendations on how to improve your mental health and well-being. Follow-up consultations can be arranged at a later date to monitor implemented changes.
Who will benefit?
Anyone can benefit from this however, those particularly likely to overlook their mental health maybe:
Senior executives in corporate environment, from CEOs to line managers.
Medical professionals and other clinicians (a population sample evidence suggests are particularly likely to neglect their own well-being).
How much will it cost and what will I receive?
The cost is £550 per assessment (if paying privately). In return you will receive:
- An in-depth psychological and emotional well-being evaluation.
- Identification of problem areas and road-blocks.
- A plan to overcome identified issues and difficulties.
- A well-being plan that may include holistic recommendations of life choices.
- Report to take away and refer to in order to keep you on track.
- Follow-up email support to help you implement changes where necessary.
For more information please email: info@londonpsychologistclinic.co.uk