
There are many different causes of anger and it's different for everyone.
Some common things that make people feel angry include:
being treated unfairly and feeling powerless to do anything about it
feeling threatened or attacked
other people not respecting your authority, feelings or property
being interrupted when you're trying to achieve a goal
How you react to anger can depend on lots of things, including:
the situation you're in at the moment - if you're dealing with lots of problems or stress, you may find it harder to control your anger
your family history - you may have learned unhelpful ways of dealing with anger from the adults around you when you were a child
events in your past - people who experience traumatic, frightening or stressful events sometimes develop post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) which can lead to angry outbursts
substances such as drugs and alcohol - which make some people act more aggressively than usual
Some of the things that make you angry may not bother other people at all.
You might find it hard to explain why you feel this way but talking to someone could help you find a solution.
NHS Website