About Psychotherapy

Our one-on-one therapy sessions employ an integrative approach, leveraging insights from a spectrum of therapeutic frameworks. The cognitive-behavioral aspect focuses on identifying and modifying thought patterns and behaviors, while our psychodynamic perspective delves into how current interpersonal dynamics may be influenced by early foundational relationships.

Furthermore, we incorporate principles of existential psychotherapy, which addresses profound human questions concerning autonomy, purpose, and authenticity, utilising the immediate therapeutic relationship as a catalyst for transformative progress.

Our services are designed to support individuals navigating challenging life transitions, including loss, relational dissolution, and significant life changes. We address a range of psychological concerns, from mood-related challenges such as periods of low mood to anxiety spectrum conditions, including social apprehension, enduring distress following traumatic events, obsessive-compulsive considerations, and concerns related to physical well-being.

Therapeutic explorations aim to clarify and bring into awareness underlying issues, facilitating enhanced comprehension and empowering individuals to engage with and address their concerns more effectively.

More about Cognitive Behavioural Therapy (CBT)

With aspects of cognitive behavioral therapy, you will be taught strategies to help you cope with stressful/painful situations. There will be an emphasis on learning to gain insight from linking thoughts (cognitions), emotions (feelings) and behaviours (what we do). Change occurs when we learn to challenge and change some of the beliefs or assumptions that appear to be holding us back and limiting our growth. Challenging our thoughts will be supported by behavioural changes that allow us to accumulate evidence to support our new more productive, supportive and objective assumptions and beliefs.

One of the challenges with CBT is learning to interpret our own emotions and physical reactions to events and internal thoughts. This is often quite unconscious to us and requires patience and practice to develop. Many CBT psychologist call these hard to capture thoughts/cognitions, autommatic negative thoughts (NATs) or sometimes, preconscious thoughts. Gaining an understanding of these NATs can give us opportunities to amend them when related to clearly faulty rationale.

Get In Touch

Please contact us for more information and to arrange for an Initial Assessment (IA). The IA will cover areas such as personal history, presenting problems, suitability of psychotherapy and the formulation of a treatment plan. All that is discussed will be treated in strict confidentiality.

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