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27th November , 2024 27 / 11 / 2024 Wednesday, 27th November
Skin picking can have both psychological and physiological triggers. Some individuals experience it as a response to skin conditions like eczema, acne, or psoriasis. The physical sensation of imperfections, such as bumps or scabs, may drive the urge to pick. However, for many, stress, anxiety, and self-critical thoughts exacerbate the behaviour. In these cases, the act of skin picking may serve as a coping mechanism for underlying emotional distress. Read our latest blog here:
20th November , 2024 20 / 11 / 2024 Wednesday, 20th November
Supporting children with autism and mental health challenges—such as Generalised Anxiety Disorder (GAD), ADHD, and social anxiety—before and after they begin university is crucial for their success. Universities can be overwhelming environments, often with intense academic and social demands. To prevent students from reaching breaking points and facing the burden of expensive psychological assessments, early recognition, proactive planning, and strategic support can make a significant difference. Here are ways parents, students, and educational institutions can work together to ensure these students thrive academically and emotionally:
19th November , 2024 19 / 11 / 2024 Tuesday, 19th November
Workplace alienation can stem from a variety of factors, but extremes in job performance—being either exceptionally good or notably poor—can be significant contributors. Employees who excel at their roles may face alienation due to envy or resentment from colleagues, or because their exceptional performance sets them apart, leading to feelings of isolation. They may also be overloaded with responsibilities as a result of their competence, which can lead to burnout and a sense of being undervalued. Read our latest blog here:
14th November , 2024 14 / 11 / 2024 Thursday, 14th November
Individuals with Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder (OCD) and Attention-Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) often experience difficulties adapting to change. Both conditions are associated with cognitive inflexibility, which can hinder one's ability to adjust to new situations. In OCD, cognitive inflexibility manifests as rigid thinking patterns and a strong preference for routines, making adaptation to change particularly challenging. Similarly, ADHD is linked to difficulties with executive functions, including planning and organisation, which can impede the ability to manage transitions effectively. Read our latest blog here:
28th October , 2024 28 / 10 / 2024 Monday, 28th October
For many people, the idea that trauma can cause physical symptoms is shocking. After all, we’re used to thinking of the mind and body as separate entities. But the truth is, when emotional trauma is too painful to face, the body may unconsciously take over, using physical symptoms to communicate distress.In some cases, people may experience episodes of paralysis, blindness, or even loss of speech—symptoms that seem completely unrelated to their emotional lives. But these symptoms can be the body’s silent cry for help, a way of forcing attention to unresolved trauma. Read our latest blog here:
23rd October , 2024 23 / 10 / 2024 Wednesday, 23rd October
Does the sound of someone chewing loudly make your child feel uncomfortable, anxious, or even angry? It might not just be a simple irritation—it could be a sign of misophonia, a sensitivity to certain everyday sounds like eating, tapping, or slurping. Many adults with misophonia trace their discomfort with sound back to childhood, making early recognition and support crucial. Left unchecked, these feelings can escalate, causing social and emotional difficulties later in life. Learn more about how misophonia starts, its effects on children, and ways to help manage it before it intensifies in adulthood.

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