Sleeping problems firmly associated with mental health issues by healthcare professionals

Sleeping problems firmly associated with mental health issues by healthcare professionals

Following on from a blog last month about insomnia and some tips on how to tackle it.

A recent study, which surveyed 203 healthcare professionals and was conducted by Perrigo, found that 85% of the experts - including doctors and pharmacists - say poor sleep has a 'significant impact' on the mental health of patients.

The healthcare professionals cited social media 'addiction', excessive use of smartphones and financial concerns, as likely having the most negative impact on sleeping habits during the next five years.

When it comes to improving self-care, seven in 10 healthcare experts say a reluctance among patients to acknowledge sleep-related issues is acting as a blocker.

Further research, conducted by Nytol, proved this to be true as fewer than half of consumers say they consider the impact of their sleep habits on their mental health. So, we are just not taking our sleep seriously.

Sleep habits include what time you go to bed, your sleeping environment, lifestyle choices, and how long you look at a screen before bed.

In this research, people reported increased levels of stress (33%), anxiety (34%) and low mood (42%) after a bad night's sleep.