More "positive self-regard" improves well-being

Years of clinical experience demonstrates that one consistent factor found in low self-esteem, confidence and self-worth is an over-active internal self-critic. It is often postulated that this relates to early experiences with parents, key-caregivers and teachers. This is often a major contributory factor as these voices become internalised and form part of our template for relating to ourselves. This sounds rather deterministic, but the good news is that through psychotherapy, we can begin to become more aware of our own internal critic and begin to undermine its impact on our self-esteem and its influence on our general mood and well-being.

Research by well known UK psychologist Prof Paul Gilbert has shown that developing a more compassionate and understanding inner voice can foster greater self-worth and underpin more resilience to life events that may challenge us. A consistent thread at our clinic is one of promoting "compassionate self regard" in order to counter past influences and improve your internal representation of self so that you have more self-worth, resilience, motivation and emotional regulation.